Anyone who follows
the adventures of El Bucko is probably already aware that he has cast off, and is now in the final stages of preparation for the journey South.  This is scheduled to begin in November.
        July 7, 1998 - "WIND GIFT" escapes marina grip, and sails to Santa Barbara to wait out the hurricane season before heading South.  Please understand that I use the "*" symbol in place of degrees, because I don't see a degree symbol anywhere on my keyboard!
October 31, 1998
From Santa Barbara to Ventura:
from:  34* 24.59' N  119* 40.82' W
to:  34* 14.82' N  119* 15.98' W
22.8 Nautical miles
Left @ 0640;  Arrived @ 1230.
Light winds.  Motored most of the way.  Cold.  Coats and sweaters.
Stayed in a slip in Ventura for the night.
November 01, 1998
Ventura to Channel Islands Harbor, Oxnard.
to:  34* 10.22' N  119* 13.38' W
Stayed in a slip at Anacapa Marine Services for the night.
Hauled out for bottom paint, and to replace the swing keel.
November 05, 1998
Launched, but stayed in a slip for the night.
Small Craft Advisories.
November 06, 1998
To Marina Del Rey
0600 ~ 1530
to:  33* 58.57' N  118* 26.73' W
42 Nautical Miles
Coats and Sweaters!
Stayed in a slip.
November 10, 1998
my crew member that I located with an ad in a boating magazine came on board.
He is Toby Sagara; just out of the Coast Guard.
November 11, 1998
Left Marina Del Rey; 0630
99 Nautical miles
November 12, 1998
Arrived San Diego  1030
Left in rain.  Had to motor most of the way.
Light winds.
Cold, cold; COLD!!!!
to:  32* 40.00' N. 117* 15.00' W
Into a slip.
the letter left off with saying that they were to depart for Ensenada, the Port of Entry,
on November 17.  Today is the 19th, so I guess they must be about there.
This letter arrived December 14:
We left San Diego at 0900 and arrived in Ensenada 0830, crossing the border
at 11 after 11, on 11/17/98.  sailing in light following winds all night.
60 nautical miles.
Ensenada:  11/18
31* 49.91' N
116* 42.25' W
60* air  60* water.
November 19, 1998
Left for Punta San Jose and motored in light breezes (0~3 knots) on the nose to Punta Colnett.
Still feeling cold.
30 nautical miles.
31* 27.53' N
116* 35.61' W
65* air  60* water.
November 20
Another day of light breezes on the nose, and we motored the rest of the way to Punta Colnett.
33 nautical miles.
November 21
We motored again to Bahia San Quintin.  We caught our first fish!  A Bonita, about 2' long.
We barbecued it at anchor in Bahia San Quintin, near the NE end of the bay.
39 nautical miles
30* 24.04' N
115* 56.20'W
65* air
60* water.
November 22
The surf was too high for a dinghy landing on the beach, so we motored back to the NW
corner of the bay.  Then took the dinghy over the sandbar into an estuary, and left the dinghy on a calm protected shore while we went for provisions.  When we returned to the dinghy, the calm protected shore had left also.  The tide had gone out, and the dinghy was a quarter mile from the water.
We had to wait for 7 hours in that cold, miserable, dark and spooky swamp until about 9 that night before enough water came in to float the dinghy.  We left on the morning of
November 23
motoring only about a mile to get out of the heavy swells in shallow water.  A mile out, we caught
another 2' Bonito!  We sailed all but the last 32 miles in a run of 146 miles to Turtle Bay.  The run across the open ocean to Cedris Island was in confused choppy seas, with winds gusting sometimes to 20 knots.
The heavy seas were from storms farther North, but we sailed on a reefed genoa (no mainsail) to maintain control in the heavy seas.  We left San Quintin at 0700, 11/23, and arrived  Turtle Bay at 1600, 11/25.  We approached Cedris Island in the dark, looking for a light house on its' North end.  We couldn't see it, and finally, I realized we were coming down the wrong side (West side) of Cedris Island, and had to correct course to get around to the other side without hitting any rocks.
So, here we sit in Turtle Bay.  Last night, I had my first shower in two weeks, a hot meal and a quiet nights' sleep.  We will hang out here for a few days, before our next leg, which will be a day sail from Turtle Bay to Bahia San Pablo, 32 miles away.
"WIND  GIFT" is a sweet ship.  The solar panels support a reasonable power budget.  Something new for me this trip are safety harnesses that keep you tethered to the boat in case you fall overboard.  We wear them religiously when there is only one person in the cockpit at night.
I am so happy to be this far into Mexico, away from the black vibes of L.A.  Toby is a super shipmate.
-Even when we are stuck in a cold, dark, spooky swamp!
Turtle Bay:
27*41.27' N
114*53.26' W
70* air
65* water
Next update comes when the mail arrives!
So, the mail came, from Cabo San Lucas.
There are new photos, and it's a new year, so let's start a
new page.

 Ships' Log, Page 2