Welcome to a changing site!
Hello! This is my first web page, so it is getting off to a humble
beginning. Watch though, as things quickly change! The photo above
is of me (the proverbial dashing sea captain), and my best image to
date, in one of my favorite local places, Painted Cave, on Santa Cruz
Island. Please note that all photos on this site are Copyright, 1998,
Buck Graham. More originals will be appearing. Anyone interested in
larger copies is encouraged to contact me. If there is anything you
would like to see from whatever area I am in at the time, I can be
easily commissioned!
Buck Graham
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Most of the pages on this site have my "itchy feet" logo at the bottom.
Clicking on that will return you to this page. Where there is not a logo, please
use the "back" button in your browser.
Even in the Golden Years,it helps to have a resume
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To see page 2, click here
To see my story "Saga", click here
"Unsafe in Any Sea", Please help boating sense to become more common.click here
"Yatahe", Some things just are, and then you know click here